成人  hgame

商品名稱: 西洋音樂 地獄邊緣 Two Steps From Hell 1986年-2011年 11張專輯

商品分類: MP3-DVD音樂

商品類型: 18片CD合成一片DVD-MP3

語系版本: 站長歷年完整超強合輯

運行平台: Windows 7/XP/Vista/MP3 DVD 播放機

更新日期: 2012-06-21


Two Steps From Hell,又名地獄咫尺、地獄邊緣、兩步逃離地獄,是一家專業的音樂公



作品以電影預告片配樂見長,所創作的音樂屬於SOUND TRACK(原聲配樂)。

風格就是兩個字:氣勢。喜歡Immediate Music,X-Ray Dog的朋友千萬不要錯過!

公司的主創人員是Thomas Bergersen和Nick Phoenix,主要的預告片配樂作品裡比較有

名的包括《香水:一個殺人犯的故事》、《血鑽》、《勇敢的人》、《老無所依》、 《


霍頓與無名氏》、《少年漢尼拔》、《達芬奇密碼》 、《1408幻影兇間》、《我是傳奇


《蜘蛛俠3 》、《心靈傳輸者》、《木乃伊3》、《哈利波特5》、《地獄男爵2》、《貝



心》、《波斯王子》 、《星艦迷航》等。




達:特別版》預告片中,我們同樣能聽到來自Two Steps From Hell的配樂。


1、Volume 1 (地獄邊緣‧第一卷)


1-01 Super Strength.mp3

1-02 Super Strength 2.mp3

1-03 Super Strength orc.mp3

1-04 Two Steps From Hell.mp3

1-05 Two Steps From Hell orc.mp3

1-06 From The Abyss.mp3

1-07 From The Abyss orc.mp3

1-08 Bigger than Kong.mp3

1-09 The Legend of Aramis.mp3

1-10 The Summoning.mp3

1-11 The Summoning orc.mp3

1-12 Battle Of Dark vs Light.mp3

1-13 Born Of Ash.mp3

1-14 Born Of Ash orc.mp3

1-15 Interceptors Duel.mp3

1-16 North Country.mp3

1-17 North Country orc.mp3

1-18 Rise Of Evil.mp3

1-19 Rise Of Evil orc.mp3

1-20 Bloodlust.mp3

1-21 Bloodlust orc.mp3

1-22 Spirit Of Death.mp3

1-23 Spirit Of Death orc.mp3

1-24 The Descending Storm.mp3

1-25 The Descending Storm orc.mp3

1-26 Necromantics.mp3

1-27 Souls Feast.mp3

1-28 Over The Pass.mp3

1-29 Over The Pass orc.mp3

1-30 City Of Malice.mp3

1-31 Birth Of Power.mp3

1-32 Birth Of Power orc.mp3

1-33 Dominius.mp3

1-34 Dominius orc.mp3

1-35 Dawn Of War.mp3


1-01 Super Strength.mp3

1-02 Super Strength 2.mp3

1-03 Super Strength orc.mp3

1-04 Two Steps From Hell.mp3

1-05 Two Steps From Hell orc.mp3

1-06 From The Abyss.mp3

1-07 From The Abyss orc.mp3

1-08 Bigger than Kong.mp3

1-09 The Legend of Aramis.mp3

1-10 The Summoning.mp3

1-11 The Summoning orc.mp3

1-12 Battle Of Dark vs Light.mp3

1-13 Born Of Ash.mp3

1-14 Born Of Ash orc.mp3

1-15 Interceptors Duel.mp3

1-16 North Country.mp3

1-17 North Country orc.mp3

1-18 Rise Of Evil.mp3

1-19 Rise Of Evil orc.mp3

1-20 Bloodlust.mp3

1-21 Bloodlust orc.mp3

1-22 Spirit Of Death.mp3

1-23 Spirit Of Death orc.mp3

1-24 The Descending Storm.mp3

1-25 The Descending Storm orc.mp3

1-26 Necromantics.mp3

1-27 Souls Feast.mp3

1-28 Over The Pass.mp3

1-29 Over The Pass orc.mp3

1-30 City Of Malice.mp3

1-31 Birth Of Power.mp3

1-32 Birth Of Power orc.mp3

1-33 Dominius.mp3

1-34 Dominius orc.mp3

1-35 Dawn Of War.mp3


01 - Two Steps From Hell - Breath Of Cold Air.mp3

02 - Two Steps From Hell - Life Of A Legend.mp3

03 - Two Steps From Hell - Secrets In Blood.mp3

04 - Two Steps From Hell - Secrets In Blood (Orchestral).mp3

05 - Two Steps From Hell - Prophecies.mp3

06 - Two Steps From Hell - Prophecies (Orchestral).mp3

07 - Two Steps From Hell - Season Of Fate.mp3

08 - Two Steps From Hell - Undying Faith.mp3

09 - Two Steps From Hell - Straw Man.mp3

10 - Two Steps From Hell - Guns And Oil.mp3

11 - Two Steps From Hell - Trafficking.mp3

12 - Two Steps From Hell - Trafficking (Orchestral).mp3

13 - Two Steps From Hell - Eternal Conflict.mp3

14 - Two Steps From Hell - Eternal Conflict 2.mp3

15 - Two Steps From Hell - Eternal Conflict (Orchestral).mp3

16 - Two Steps From Hell - Vast Conspiracy.mp3

17 - Two Steps From Hell - Wind Queen.mp3

18 - Two Steps From Hell - Child's Play.mp3

19 - Two Steps From Hell - Department Of Deception.mp3

20 - Two Steps From Hell - Path Less Travelled.mp3

21 - Two Steps From Hell - Path Less Travelled (Orchestral).mp3

22 - Two Steps From Hell - The Truth Unravels.mp3

23 - Two Steps From Hell - Serbian Suns.mp3

24 - Two Steps From Hell - Famous Year.mp3

25 - Two Steps From Hell - Lost In Asia.mp3

26 - Two Steps From Hell - Heavenly Lights.mp3

27 - Two Steps From Hell - Aftershock.mp3

28 - Two Steps From Hell - Aftershock (Orchestral).mp3

29 - Two Steps From Hell - Playing With Fire.mp3

30 - Two Steps From Hell - Black Flowers.mp3

31 - Two Steps From Hell - Black Flowers (Orchestral).mp3

32 - Two Steps From Hell - Dire Crisis.mp3

33 - Two Steps From Hell - Eternal Love.mp3

2、Shadows and Nightmares(幻影夢魘)


1-01 Doomsday - choir.mp3

1-02 Doomsday - no choir.mp3

1-03 Doomsday - hits only.mp3

1-04 She Rises - choir.mp3

1-05 She Rises - no choir.mp3

1-06 Ritual of Resurrection - choir.mp3

1-07 Ritual of Resurrection - no choir.mp3

1-08 Ritual of Resurrection (first hit only).mp3

1-09 Nocturnal Prey - choir.mp3

1-10 Nocturnal Prey - no choir.mp3

1-11 Evil! (part 1) - choir.mp3

1-12 Evil! (part 2) - choir.mp3

1-13 Evil! (part 1) - no choir.mp3

1-14 Evil! (part 2) - no choir.mp3

1-15 Ghost Town.mp3

1-16 Ghostly Presence - choir.mp3

1-17 Ghostly Presence - no choir.mp3

1-18 Demonic Procession - choir.mp3

1-19 Demonic Procession - no choir.mp3

1-20 Come What May - no perc.mp3

1-21 Come What May.mp3

1-22 Betrayed - choir.mp3

1-23 Betrayed - no choir.mp3

1-24 Face of Dhomor Devah - choir.mp3

1-25 Face of Dhomor Devah - no choir.mp3

1-26 Tick Tock Goes the Clock.mp3

1-27 Awakening the Beast - choir.mp3

1-28 Awakening the Beast - no choir.mp3

1-29 Inhuman Growth - choir.mp3

1-30 Inhuman Growth - no choir.mp3

1-31 Mountains of Madness.mp3

1-32 Etergheros Charghela (Sacrificium) - choir.mp3

1-33 Etergheros Charghela (Sacrificium) - no choir.mp3

1-34 Bottomless Pit of Torment - choir.mp3

1-35 Bottomless Pit of Torment - no choir.mp3

1-36 Eyes Wide Open - choir.mp3

1-37 Eyes Wide Open - no choir.mp3

1-38 Loch Ness.mp3

1-39 Discovery of Land - choir.mp3

1-40 Discovery of Land - no choir.mp3

1-41 20000 Tons of TNT - choir.mp3

1-42 20000 Tons of TNT - no choir.mp3

1-43 The Return of Life - choir.mp3

1-44 The Return of Life - no choir.mp3

1-45 Approaching Tsunami - choir.mp3

1-46 Approaching Tsunami - no choir.mp3

1-47 Unholy Requiem - choir.mp3

1-48 Unholy Requiem - no choir.mp3

1-49 SuperFX (Hit + Rise) - Ignition.mp3

1-50 SuperFX (Hit + Static) - System Failure.mp3

1-51 SuperFX (Static + Pounding) - Toxic Air.mp3

1-52 SuperFX (Static + Rise) - Alien Encounter.mp3

1-53 SuperFX (Static) - Fear Factor 100.mp3

1-54 SuperFX (Static) - Paralyzed by Fear.mp3

1-55 SuperFX (Rise) - Crawling Invasion.mp3

1-56 SuperFX (Rise) - Gateway to Oblivion.mp3

1-57 SuperFX (Rise) - Hide & Seek.mp3

1-58 SuperFX (Rise) - Jungle Swarm.mp3

1-59 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit I.mp3

1-60 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit II.mp3

1-61 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit III.mp3

1-62 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit IV.mp3

1-63 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit V.mp3

1-64 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit VI.mp3

1-65 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit VII.mp3

1-66 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit VIII.mp3

1-67 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit IX.mp3

1-68 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit X.mp3

1-69 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit XI.mp3

1-70 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit XII.mp3

1-71 SuperFX (Hit) Orchestra Hit XIII.mp3

1-72 [Bonus Track] Cemetery Waltz - choir.mp3

1-73 [Bonus Track] Cemetery Waltz - no choir.mp3


2-01 2000 Leagues.mp3

2-02 Crisis Gone Bad.mp3

2-03 Death Grip 2.mp3

2-04 Death Grip.mp3

2-05 Deathhook.mp3

2-06 Demon Child.mp3

2-07 Empire of the Mind.mp3

2-08 Evac.mp3

2-09 Extreme Crisis.mp3

2-10 Forbidden.mp3

2-11 Found at the Lake.mp3

2-12 Hammer of Doom.mp3

2-13 Heartpounder.mp3

2-14 Infinity.mp3

2-15 Justification.mp3

2-16 Lord of Death.mp3

2-17 Messages Across Time.mp3

2-18 Overheated.mp3

2-19 Possessed Village.mp3

2-20 Precinct Breach.mp3

2-21 Recon J74.mp3

2-22 Rising Darkness.mp3

2-23 Satellite Photos.mp3

2-24 Smartbomb.mp3

2-25 Surveilance.mp3

2-26 The last 100.mp3

2-27 Undead Chamber.mp3


1000 Ships Alt Ending NC.mp3

1000 Ships Alt Ending.mp3

1000 Ships..Underworld NC.mp3

1000 Ships..Underworld.mp3

Armada (NC).mp3


Black Assassin (NC).mp3

Black Assassin.mp3

Blade Fighter NC.mp3

Blade Fighter.mp3

Blast the Gates (NC).mp3

Blast the Gates.mp3

Bleeding NC.mp3


Breaking NC.mp3


Breath Of Ran Gor NC.mp3

Cavaliere NC.mp3


Chariots of Blood (NC).mp3

Chariots of Blood (Rock).mp3

Chariots of Blood (Wi#4F3DB.mp3

Chariots of Blood.mp3

Chopperhead (NC).mp3


Conquerors NC.mp3


Coup D'Etat.mp3

Deep Voyage.mp3

Demon Rider NC.mp3

Demon Rider.mp3

Diplomatic Immunity.mp3

Dragon Rider (Beat Only).mp3

Dragon Rider.mp3

Dynasty NC.mp3

Dynasty Solo Vocal.mp3


Elementum (NC).mp3



False Flag Op NC.mp3

False Flag Op.mp3

Fight The Darkness NC.mp3

Fight The Darkness.mp3

Flameheart (NC).mp3


Glory & Honor.mp3

Heaven & Earth.mp3

Hero NC.mp3


House of Fire NC.mp3

House of Fire.mp3

Instruments of War (NC).mp3

Instruments of War.mp3

King's Legion (NC).mp3

King's Legion.mp3

Kingdom Skies.mp3

Love & Loss (No Synth).mp3

Love & Loss.mp3

Magika (NC).mp3


Never Winter NC.mp3

Never Winter.mp3

Ocean NC.mp3


One Against All NC.mp3

One Against All.mp3

Pax NC.mp3


Procession (No Drums).mp3


Racketeers (Rock).mp3


Red Army (NC).mp3

Red Army.mp3

Sentius NC.mp3

Sentius Remix NC.mp3

Sentius Remix.mp3


Spirit of Champions (NC).mp3

Spirit of Champions.mp3

Sun Goddess.mp3

The Brave & Mighty.mp3

The Fly From China.mp3

The Truth Unravels II#4F459.mp3

The Truth Unravels II.mp3

The Vendetta Conspira#4F45D.mp3

The Vendetta Conspiracy.mp3

Thermopolis NC.mp3


Timebomb (Beat Only).mp3

Timebomb (NC).mp3


Tyrianis (NC).mp3


Web of Lies (NC).mp3

Web of Lies.mp3

Zen Killer.mp3

4、All Drums Go to Hell(地獄之鼓\ 通往地獄的鼓聲)

01 - two steps from hell - armored cars.mp3

02 - two steps from hell - barrage of noise.mp3

03 - two steps from hell - bionics.mp3

04 - two steps from hell - carnival from hell.mp3

05 - two steps from hell - code of honor.mp3

06 - two steps from hell - death came early that year.mp3

07 - two steps from hell - disturbing power.mp3

08 - two steps from hell - fists of steel.mp3

09 - two steps from hell - freedom army.mp3

10 - two steps from hell - guerilla raid.mp3

11 - two steps from hell - guerilla raid (instrumental).mp3

12 - two steps from hell - hellraiser brigade.mp3

13 - two steps from hell - impending fury.mp3

14 - two steps from hell - industrial mayhem.mp3

15 - two steps from hell - norwegian devil.mp3

16 - two steps from hell - nuclear meltdown.mp3

17 - two steps from hell - oedipus raax.mp3

18 - two steps from hell - off the cliff.mp3

19 - two steps from hell - path of destruction.mp3

20 - two steps from hell - raging horde.mp3

21 - two steps from hell - rampant carnage.mp3

22 - two steps from hell - rocket hammer.mp3

23 - two steps from hell - run like hell.mp3

24 - two steps from hell - secret island.mp3

25 - two steps from hell - shoot to kill.mp3

26 - two steps from hell - shoot to kill (instrumental).mp3

27 - two steps from hell - sleepwalker.mp3

28 - two steps from hell - smoke em.mp3

29 - two steps from hell - sudden strike.mp3

30 - two steps from hell - tagged rendezvous.mp3

31 - two steps from hell - ultimate countdown.mp3

32 - two steps from hell - wave of death.mp3

33 - two steps from hell - witchburner.mp3

34 - two steps from hell - extinction.mp3

35 - two steps from hell - hyperbug.mp3

36 - two steps from hell - iridium factor.mp3

37 - two steps from hell - nuclear meltdown (electronica).mp3

38 - two steps from hell - second coming.mp3

39 - two steps from hell - skull crusher.mp3

40 - two steps from hell - terror tunnels.mp3

41 - two steps from hell - toxic rain.mp3

42 - two steps from hell - voltenstein.mp3

43 - two steps from hell - chasing the dragon.mp3

44 - two steps from hell - emperor's assassin.mp3

45 - two steps from hell - flight from the monastery.mp3

46 - two steps from hell - hara-kiri.mp3

47 - two steps from hell - jun mai.mp3

48 - two steps from hell - kamakura.mp3

49 - two steps from hell - building jumper.mp3

50 - two steps from hell - desert runner.mp3

51 - two steps from hell - desperate protocol.mp3

52 - two steps from hell - diabolic clockwork.mp3

53 - two steps from hell - foreign identity.mp3

54 - two steps from hell - hidden identity.mp3

55 - two steps from hell - images of horror.mp3

56 - two steps from hell - border patrol.mp3

57 - two steps from hell - dance with the devil.mp3

58 - two steps from hell - jungle fever.mp3

59 - two steps from hell - lord of two lands.mp3

60 - two steps from hell - operation sandstorm.mp3

61 - two steps from hell - operation sandstorm (instrumental).mp3

62 - two steps from hell - triassic.mp3

63 - two steps from hell - uganda and south.mp3

64 - two steps from hell - zoologic stampede.mp3




01 Kickdown.mp3

02 Shed My Skin.mp3

03 Electro Freak.mp3

04 Pathogen.mp3

05 Ice Planet.mp3

06 Otherworld.mp3

07 Deathslinger.mp3

08 Cannibal.mp3

09 Crash.mp3

10 The Raven Talks Backwards.mp3

11 Beam Of Light.mp3

12 Iron Soul.mp3

13 Run_N_Gun.mp3

14 War Of Angels.mp3

15 Gothic Cowboy.mp3

16 Forsaken.mp3

17 Iron Nation.mp3

18 False King (Rock).mp3




7、Dreams and imaginations(空想夢境)


1.01 - Secrets Of The Mind.mp3

1.02 - Color The Sky.mp3

1.03 - Transfiguration.mp3

1.04 - Fortress Of Seduction.mp3

1.05 - Moving Shadows.mp3

1.06 - Through Devil's Eyes.mp3

1.07 - Hello World.mp3

1.08 - Parfait Amour.mp3

1.09 - Hold Me.mp3

1.10 - Aurora Boralis.mp3

1.11 - Sun Gazer.mp3

1.12 - Wings.mp3

1.13 - Gentle Breeze.mp3

1.14 - Nepal In May.mp3

1.15 - Mind Tricks.mp3

1.16 - Scent Of A Woman.mp3

1.17 - Flying.mp3

1.18 - Fate Of The Deserted.mp3

1.19 - African Sunset.mp3

1.20 - Rapid Eye Movement.mp3

1.21 - Peace of Mind.mp3

1.22 - Elysium.mp3

1.23 - Water Reflections.mp3

1.24 - Bed of Roses.mp3

1.25 - Lux Aeterna.mp3

1.26 - Lonesome Dove.mp3

1.27 - Solitude.mp3

1.28 - Weightless.mp3

1.30 - Wake of Desolation.mp3

1.31 - Entombed.mp3

1.32 - I See The Future.mp3

1.33 - Moonshine.mp3

1.34 - Allure.mp3

1.35 - Hidden Beauty.mp3

1.36 - Forsaken.mp3

1.37 - New Dawn.mp3




2.01 - Celebrate Life.mp3

2.02 - Earthgirl.mp3

2.03 - Northern Pastures.mp3

2.04 - A Small Step For Mankind.mp3

2.05 - Eria.mp3

2.06 - Tears.mp3

2.07 - Sleepless.mp3

2.08 - Into Unknown Space.mp3

2.09 - Forever In My Dreams.mp3

2.10 - Sweet May.mp3

2.11 - Elven Princess.mp3

2.12 - Great Spirits.mp3

2.13 - Remembrance.mp3

2.14 - Setting Sail.mp3

2.15 - Drifting Thoughts.mp3

2.16 - Touched By Her Hand.mp3

2.17 - Ancient Cities.mp3

2.18 - Frozen Moment.mp3

2.19 - Life Is Beautiful.mp3

2.20 - Meant To Be.mp3

2.21 - From The Heart Of Paris.mp3

2.22 - Reset Life.mp3

2.23 - A Thousand Miles Apart.mp3

2.24 - Blink Of An Eye (A).mp3

2.25 - Blink Of An Eye (B).mp3

2.26 - Missed You.mp3

2.27 - Painted By Numbers.mp3

2.28 - Goodbye For Now.mp3

2.29 - Memories.mp3

2.30 - Dreams & Imaginations.mp3

2.31 - It Tells A Story.mp3

2.32 - El Mexicano.mp3

2.33 - Once Upon A Time.mp3

2.34 - It's The Season For Love.mp3

2.35 - Forgotten Realms.mp3







3.01 - Clair Voyant.mp3

3.02 - Deep Seeded.mp3

3.03 - River Of Tears.mp3

3.04 - Broken Hearts.mp3

3.05 - A Hero's Return.mp3

3.06 - Another Life.mp3

3.07 - Forgotten September.mp3

3.08 - Lament For The Lonely.mp3

3.09 - Chill Of The Night.mp3

3.10 - Silent Prayer.mp3

3.11 - Torches.mp3

3.12 - Supression.mp3

3.13 - Endless Night.mp3

3.14 - Susanna's Mourning.mp3

3.15 - Falling.mp3

3.16 - Snowfall.mp3

3.17 - Perfect Assassination.mp3

3.18 - Hell's Gate.mp3

3.19 - Electric People.mp3

3.20 - Mulholland Drive.mp3

3.21 - Mio Rio.mp3

3.22 - Intoxication.mp3

3.23 - Visions.mp3

3.24 - Mmm Chicken.mp3

3.25 - Possessed Gramophone.mp3

3.26 - Behold Atlantis.mp3




4.01 - Secrets Of The Mind (No Vocals).mp3

4.02 - Through Devil's Eyes (No Choir).mp3

4.03 - Bed Of Roses (No Vocals).mp3

4.04 - It Tells A Story (No Choir).mp3

4.05 - It's The Season For Love (No Choir).mp3

4.06 - Forgotten September (B).mp3

4.07 - Hell's Gate (No Vocals).mp3






Legend.101.Adventure of a Lifetime (No Choir).mp3

Legend.102.ASAP (No Choir).mp3

Legend.103.Asimov (No Choir).mp3

Legend.104.Calamity (No Choir).mp3

Legend.105.Call to Arms (No Choir).mp3

Legend.106.Crusaders (No Choir).mp3

Legend.107.Day Becomes Night (No Choir).mp3

Legend.108.Destiny of Mankind (No Choir).mp3

Legend.109.Divine Intervention (No Brass) (No Choir).mp3

Legend.110.Divine Intervention (No Choir).mp3

Legend.111.Down With The Enterprise (No Choir).mp3

Legend.112.Dreams of the Dead (No Choir).mp3

Legend.113.Equus (No Choir).mp3

Legend.114.Equus (No Snare) (No Choir).mp3

Legend.115.Fields of Blood (No Choir).mp3

Legend.116.Fill My Heart (No Choir).mp3

Legend.117.Forces of Destiny (No Choir).mp3

Legend.118.Freedom Fighters (No Choir).mp3

Legend.119.Goddysey (No Choir).mp3

Legend.120.Heart of Courage (No Choir).mp3

Legend.121.Hypnotica (No Choir).mp3

Legend.122.Infinite legends (No Choir).mp3

Legend.123.Legions of Faith (No Choir).mp3

Legend.124.Moonlight Armies (No Choir).mp3

Legend.125.Never Forget (No Choir).mp3

Legend.126.Perchance to Dream (No Choir).mp3

Legend.127.Protectors of the Earth (No Choir).mp3

Legend.128.Red Carpets (No Choir).mp3

Legend.129.Rising Force (No Choir).mp3

Legend.130.Shadows of Beauty (No Choir).mp3

Legend.131.The Crossing (No Choir).mp3

Legend.132.Undying Love (No Choir).mp3

Legend.133.Voyager (No Choir).mp3

Legend.134.White Witch (No Choir).mp3

Legend.201.ASAP (Choir).mp3

Legend.202.ASAP (Voice) (Choir).mp3

Legend.203.ASAP (Voice).mp3

Legend.204.Asimov (Choir).mp3

Legend.205.Calamity (Choir).mp3

Legend.206.Calamity (Remix).mp3

Legend.207.Calamity (Strings Only).mp3

Legend.208.Call to Arms (Choir).mp3

Legend.209.Crusaders (Choir).mp3

Legend.210.Day Becomes Night (Choir).mp3

Legend.211.Destiny of Mankind (Choir).mp3

Legend.212.Divine Intervention (Choir).mp3

Legend.213.Down With The Enterprise (Choi.mp3

Legend.214.Dreams of the Dead (Choir).mp3

Legend.215.Equus (Choir).mp3

Legend.216.Equus (No Snare) (Choir).mp3

Legend.217.Fallout (Choir).mp3

Legend.218.Fateful Night (Choir).mp3

Legend.219.Fill My Heart (Choir).mp3

Legend.220.Forces of Destiny (Choir).mp3

Legend.221.Goddysey (Choir).mp3

Legend.222.Heart of Courage (Choir).mp3

Legend.223.Hypnotica (Choir).mp3

Legend.224.Infinite legends (Choir).mp3

Legend.225.Legions of Faith (Choir).mp3

Legend.226.Moonlight Armies (Choir).mp3

Legend.227.Never Forget (Choir).mp3

Legend.228.Never Forget (Voice) (Choir).mp3

Legend.229.Never Forget (Voice).mp3

Legend.230.Perchance to Dream (Choir) (Po.mp3

Legend.231.Perilous Journey (Choir).mp3

Legend.232.Protectors of the Earth (Choir.mp3

Legend.233.Rising Force (Choir).mp3

Legend.234.Smell of Victory (Choir).mp3

Legend.235.The Crossing (Choir).mp3

Legend.236.Undying Love (Choir) (Extended.mp3

Legend.237.White Witch (Choir).mp3

9、Ashes(遺失世界\ 灰飛煙滅)



Ashes.02.Black Hat.mp3

Ashes.03.Burn Baby (No Piano).mp3

Ashes.04.Burn Baby (Piano).mp3


Ashes.06.Crossword Killer.mp3


Ashes.08.Deck the Halls with Blood.mp3

Ashes.09.Executive Decision.mp3

Ashes.10.Exhumed (No Laughter).mp3


Ashes.12.Final Corridor.mp3

Ashes.13.Flashes of Terror (No Drums).mp3

Ashes.14.Flashes of Terror.mp3

Ashes.15.Fragments of Deception.mp3

Ashes.16.Frozen Paths (No Drums).mp3

Ashes.17.Frozen Paths.mp3

Ashes.18.Green Hill Massacre.mp3

Ashes.19.Helevator (FX Only).mp3


Ashes.21.Horror By Design 1.mp3

Ashes.22.Horror By Design 2.mp3

Ashes.23.Horror By Design 3.mp3

Ashes.24.Jocelyn Janson.mp3

Ashes.25.Kiss of Night.mp3

Ashes.26.London 1920.mp3

Ashes.27.Madnophone (FX Only).mp3


Ashes.29.Moving Shadows II.mp3

Ashes.30.Photos in Darkness.mp3

Ashes.31.Point Of No Return.mp3

Ashes.32.Raven Hill.mp3

Ashes.33.Run For Your Limbs (NC).mp3

Ashes.34.Run For Your Limbs.mp3

Ashes.35.Severe Medication.mp3


Ashes.37.Something Wicked Lurks.mp3

Ashes.38.Split Personality.mp3

Ashes.39.Stumpy (FX Only).mp3


Ashes.41.Suburban Legend.mp3

Ashes.42.Surrounding The Church.mp3

Ashes.43.Swing-set Murders.mp3

Ashes.44.Take Me To Hell (FX Only).mp3

Ashes.45.Take Me To Hell.mp3

Ashes.46.The Chopper.mp3

Ashes.47.Time is Fleeting.mp3

Ashes.48.Twisted Children.mp3

Ashes.49.Zombie Train (No Drums).mp3

Ashes.50.Zombie Train.mp3


10、The Devil Wears Nada(合金魔靈\ 什麼都沒穿的惡魔)



The Devil Wears Nada.01.After The Fall (No Voice).mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.02.After The Fall.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.03.American Soldier (No Perc Intro).mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.04.American Soldier.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.05.Baron Von Scheissenhausen.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.06.Broommaker's Assistant.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.07.Clock Tower Parade.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.08.Election Daze.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.09.Foggy Beginnings.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.10.Follow That Kid.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.11.I Smell A Rat.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.12.Leaping Lucifer.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.13.Levitating Lilimongers.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.14.Liar Liar Pants on Fire.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.15.Little Ben.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.16.Love Doctor.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.17.Midtown Mayhem.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.18.Monkey Business.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.19.My Little Friend Max.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.20.Professor Pumplestickle (No Band).mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.21.Professor Pumplestickle.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.22.Say Yes.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.23.Secret Places.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.24.Sky Brigade.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.25.Smirnoff.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.26.Sunrise.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.27.The Whistleblower.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.28.To The Tower.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.29.Toys Come Alive.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.30.Venezuela.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.31.Waltz of the Willows.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.32.We Can Fly (With Bells).mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.33.We Can Fly.mp3

The Devil Wears Nada.34.Will We Ever Meet Again.mp3

11、Power Of Darkness(黑暗的力量)
























13、Illumina (啟示)

14、All Drones Go to Hell(地獄雄蜂)

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