商品名稱: 最新 藍光畫質版 SD高達 三國傳 01-51集(完)
商品分類: 卡通動畫與經典影集DVD
語系版本: 日語發音 繁體中文/簡體中文/日文語言字幕版
運行平台: Windows 7/XP/Vista/DVD 播放機
更新日期: 2011-11-01
片名:(此片售價300元)最新藍光版 SD高達 三國傳 01-51集(完) 日語發音 繁體中文/簡體中文/日文語言字幕(卡通)(適用任何家用DVD播放機超清晰畫面超長超值享受)(DVD9版)(2DVD9)(此片售價300元)
2011.11.30 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZCD Studio
Long ago, Three Sovereigns descended from the heavens onto the land of
Mirisha. According to legend, the Three Sovereigns used their powers to bring
order to the land. One became the sun and bathed the world with its sunlight.
One became the moon and healed the world with its moonlight. One became the
sea and nurtured the world with its waters. It is foretold that a time of
strife shall arrive.
"When Mirisha is shrouded in darkness, the souls of the Three Sovereigns
shall be entrusted to the Gundams. Only with guidance from the Gyokuji, shall
they exorcise the land from darkness..." -Mirisha Legend, "G Chronicles"-
That time of strife will be known as Sangokuden, and that time has come
upon us.