商品名稱: SlySoft CloneDVD v2.9.3.0
商品分類: 動態影像及影片轉檔工具
商品類型: DVD拷貝軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-06-06
CloneDVD 是一款功能強大的DVD拷貝程式。產品特色: *拷貝主題電影,
Special Features和/或者功能表到DVD碟片或者硬碟上; *重新改進的轉碼核心:高壓
縮率下的更佳影片質量(超過兩小時的片段): *印象深刻的程式速度,尤其是高壓縮
率; *影像預覽顯示所挑選的DVD標題的概覽; *你可以包括或者不包括功能表; *標題和
語言選擇時的通過質量條的永久質量控制; *目標大小自由調整; *支援章節剔除/分割
CloneDVD copies movies to create unparalleled picture quality DVD
backups, whether it's the main title you're copying or the
complete DVD. CloneDVD will compress long footage at high speed to
the highest of quality using specialised transcoding technology,
allowing you to select your audio and language settings and also
the final target size. Easy for even the novice user, CloneDVD's
intuitive Filmstrip assistant guides you through all the available
configuration settings, allowing you to choose which chapters to
include and offering the option to trim individual chapters.