商品名稱: Koingo Software Swift Share v2.0.1.MacOSX
商品分類: 麥金塔專用軟體
商品類型: 文件共享軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: 蘋果電腦 Mac OS X
更新日期: 2012-05-28
Swift Share allows users to easily create file share points across
your local network.
Sharing files across your local network just got easier! Swift
Share allows the easy creation of both Windows and Macintosh share
points. Take control of Mac OS X's built-in file servers and tweak
them to perfection.
Share points are points across the network at which remote users
can access your files. Mac OS X gives you one default share point:
your home directory. However, if you're anywhere but home, you
won't want to be giving everyone access to your entire home
directory! Using Swift Share, choose only which folders you share
and which users have access.