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商品名稱: 簡奧斯汀 Jane Auste MP3+PDF
商品分類: 外語綜合教學DVD
商品類型: 幼兒教學
語系版本: 英語發音 DVD版
運行平台: Windows 7/XP/Vista/DVD 播放機
更新日期: 2012-02-20
商品名稱: 簡奧斯汀 Jane Auste MP3+PDF
商品分類: 外語綜合教學DVD
商品類型: 幼兒教學
語系版本: 英語發音 DVD版
運行平台: Windows 7/XP/Vista/DVD 播放機
更新日期: 2012-02-20
When adultery disturbs the relatively peaceful household at Mansfield
Park, it has quite unexpected effects. The diffident and much put-upon
heroine Fanny Price has to struggle to cope with the results, re-examining
her own feelings while enduring the views of others.
Adultery us not a typical lane Austen theme, butwhen it disturbs the
relatively peaceful householdat Mansfield Park. it has quite unexpected
results. The diffident and much put-upon heroine Fanny Price has to
struggle to cope with the results,re-examining her own feelings while
enduring thecheerful amorality, old-fashioned indifference andpriggish
disapproval of those around her.