商品名稱: AVS Video ReMaker v4.0.5.135
商品分類: 動態影像及影片轉檔工具
商品類型: AVS無需重編碼的視頻剪輯軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-07-12
AVS Video ReMaker是一款強大的視頻剪輯器,可以無需重編碼而將切去視頻的某些片段。
AVS Video ReMaker的視頻切割是在時間軸上完成的,因此通過AVS Video ReMaker你可以實現以下操作:
* 將視頻切割為多個片段,然後可以刪除不需要的片段,並可以對剩餘的片段重組,或者將各片段另存。
* 合併視頻(需要視頻有相同的幀頻率、編碼器等);
* 編輯DVD、Blu-ray視頻,添加章節、功能表等。
AVS Video ReMaker is the easiest way to edit your video
files without re-encoding. This application has a user
friendly and intuitive interface which enables you to
perform all operations without any difficulties.
Using AVS Video ReMaker you can:
- process video of the most popular video file formats
stored on your hard disk drive;
- capture and edit video from a capture device connected
to your personal computer;
- capture any actions on the desktop using the integrated
Screen Capture application;
- split your video into parts, delete the ones you don't
need and save each clip as a separate file if necessary;
- preview your clips to make sure that the selected clip
is the right one you want to remove;
- trim your video using the auto scene detection option;
- change the sequence of your video clips using the
Timeline and add transitions;
- make a snapshot and save it into one of the supported
image file formats;
- add chapters to create a video menu for your DVD/BD
video, use video menu templates.